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Disrespect Nobody

The aim of the campaign is to prevent teenagers from becoming victims and perpetrators of rape, sexual violence and abuse.  It will encourage teenagers to re-think their views of rape, sexual assault, violence and abuse and direct them to places for help and advice. 
Primary Audience: Girls and boys aged 13-18 years old. The NSPCC report indicates this is a universal problem that transcends socio-economic groups and regions, although there is a significant C2DE skew. Whilst the younger end of this audience won’t necessarily be sexually active, our data shows that experiences of sexual assault and pressure to have sex can start well before the age of 16. We need to equip 13-16 year olds with the confidence and resilience to withstand this pressure and protect themselves from sexually abusive and violent relationships before they start.
Secondary Audience:
18-21 year olds: whilst the social environments and contexts where rape and sexual assault take place may differ for over 18s, the core message of the campaign around the unacceptability of sexual violence and coercion remains an important one for this age group to overhear. Post-9pm programming will ensure we deliver well against this audience.
Parents and carers: to overhear messages and be directed to information that helps them address the subject and support their teenagers.
Third sector and partners: campaign plans have been developed in close consultation with third sector partners and other government departments who are very supportive of the approach; advertising will direct teenagers to the appropriate organisations for help and advice.
The campaign objectives are:

  • Raise awareness of the issue of rape and sexual violence;
  • Improve understanding of what constitutes rape, sexual assault and consent;
  • Empower young people to avoid, challenge and report sexually violent behaviour.
  • Working in partnership to obtain the best outcomes for victims and their families; and
  • Taking action to reduce the risk to women and girls who are victims of these crimes and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice.

Key messages 

  • Pressurising someone to have sex or take part in sexual activity (i.e. groping and sexual touching) who doesn’t want to or hasn’t given their consent is never acceptable for any reason;
  • Sex with someone who doesn’t want to or someone who has not given their consent and permission, is rape. It does not make a difference whether the people know each other or not, or what relationship they have;
  • Rape does not have to involve physical force - using verbal pressure or emotional blackmail to have sex with someone when they don’t want to is rape;
  • Consent is someone giving permission and someone feeling comfortable in giving that permission;
  • You should never have to do something sexual that you don’t feel comfortable with, even if many of your friends are comfortable with similar situations;
  • Being sexually assaulted or raped is never the victim's fault;
  • You should always challenge sexual abuse or get help from someone you trust. Information and help is available.

Further information on the TRA campaign can be found at (

Who to contact


Last updated: 04 Aug 2022