Rochdale Apprenticeship Guide


Apprenticeships are real jobs with employers who see the benefit of combining work with industry qualifications.

How it works

You apply for an apprenticeship like you would for any other vacancy and you will have to attend employer interviews, where you will be up against other candidates going for the same vacancy. If you are successful you will start work and begin your apprenticeship qualifications.

Because you have a job, you get paid anything above the national apprenticeship minimum wage. The employers fix the rate of pay for the apprenticeship because of the nature of funding for the qualifications, most apprenticeship vacancies will be for those aged 16 plus.

For more information and a full brochure please see our website.

Who to contact


Local Offer

Local Offer Age Bands
16-18 (Transitions into Adulthood)
18-25 (Young Adults)


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