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Joint Commissioning

The Children and Families Act 2014 places a legal duty on Local Authorities and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) to secure services to meet the provision set out in individual EHC Plans.

This means that Camden Council and Camden CCG will work together to ensure EHC needs assessments are secured where appropriate as well as the full integration of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) provision across education, health and care and strengthen the principles of joint planning and commissioning of services.


How we will commission joint services

The Children and Families Act requires the Local Authority and its partner CCG’s to act consistently with the joint commissioning arrangements, to keep arrangements under review and to update them.

Joint commissioning arrangements are already established in Camden through the children’s joint commissioning service which plays an important role in ensuring there is a joint approach and better outcomes can be achieved for the individual. For example, therapy and medical services are jointly commissioned to deliver the relevant interventions in the EHC plan for children and young people in Camden schools. Decisions about the level of resource for individual plans are made by an EHC panel following an assessment of need.

Further information and complaints

For information about joint commissioning in Camden, you can contact the Children's Joint Commissioning Team.

It’s important that you are satisfied with the process or the decision that has been made, however, if there are ever any situations where you aren’t, it’s important that you know who you can speak to. For more information, visit the If we can’t agree’ page.

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