EHCP Pathway - b

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Referral / Request

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Requesting an Assessment for a statutory Education, Health and Care Plan

The following people can make a referral (request) an EHC statutory assessment:

  • a parent/carer of a child
  • a young person in their own right
  • any professionals working with a child, young person or family.

Please note that it is usually expected that the following will apply:

  1. The child or young person has severe and/or complex long term needs that affect everyday life and functioning
  2. The child/young person requires provision and resources that are not normally available
  3. Intensive help and support is required from more than one agency
  4. There is evidence of a graduated response from the school or setting and other agencies involved in supporting the child/young person
  5. Despite high levels of support the child/young person is making limited or no progress

Please click in the External Links box to see how your child's school/setting can meet special educational needs and to find out how to request an EHC statutory assessment.


Page last reviewed: 10/04/2024

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